B is for Bags.
/Bags. When Claire and I first signed up for the screen printing class, deciding what I would print on was really a no-brainer for me. Suze and Lorien would have automatically gone with a lightweight cotton t-shirt that cost about 4 euros from Bershka. Me, a fancy canvas bag from American Apparel.
The mysterious secret behind all of those awesome indie t-shirts, bags and baby onesies was finally revealed to us at the Late Night Screen Printing class at Workshop (shout out to Kelly, owner and screen printing teacher. She is my new DIY role model! Check out www.workshopsf.org.)
Printing, just like all worthwhile things in life (such as learning languages and public transportation), is a humbling experience. How much ink? One pull or two? Did I flood the screen? Am I using an opaque ink for darker fabric? How did I manage to burn my thumb on the fabric oven-dryer contraption? While I swear Claire and I really do have social skills, we found ourselves stuttering and unable to communicate with the other humans in the class. Maybe it was because it was late on a Friday night and we were drinking cans of PBR. Who knows. But, feeling slightly more screen print-savvy than yesterday, I’m happy to be able to present my anatomical heart-printed canvas bag for you all to see.
I anatomical heart you all.
P.S. Band-aids are Badass!