What is Alphabet Summer up to?
/Well, yes, it could be time to call it Alphabet Autumn, or even Alphabet Indian Summer for those of you in the Bay Area. But even though my crafting fingers haven't been making crafty things, I have been keeping my little alphabet soul busy during this month of November.
I have been writing a novel! Yes, I said, NOVEL! 50,000 words to be exact. Today, which is day #23, I am officially on track with my word count! 38,440 words and counting. Ten days to go, and a little over 12,000 words to go.
Inspired by (first and foremost) my friend Molly last year, and then later by my bf Chris, or as the program director Lindsey referred to him the other day, the "reason for the season," the goal is to write an entire novel during the month of November.
Check it out: National Novel Writing Month
What is my novel about? Wouldn't we all like to know. It's a very mediocre story about an American girl named Farrah who lives and works in Valencia, Spain. Hmmm, sound familiar? Yes, I decided to stick to what I know for the first try. It started out as a kind of Nick Hornby-esque story about a girl who goes to some soccer games (football, or futbol for some of you) and it literally has turned into more of a Bridget Jones-esque romantic comedy. But what can you do? I recently just made a fourteen year old girl named Arantxa (who didn't even exist a week ago) into a key player in the resolution of the love story.
But whatever! It's fun, and I'm highly enjoying taking on the "novelist persona" that gives me the right to occupy tables at coffee shops for hours on end. Not to mention the friendly competition amongst other participants, including my own boyfriend (my word count has been above his for the entire month thank you very much.)
On Sunday night, I had the distinct privilege to attend the NaNoWriMo fund raising event called "The Night of Writing Dangerously." It was amazing. Imagine: Wedding reception in a ballroom in the financial district of San Francisco, but except the tables were filled with not gaudy centerpieces and name cards, but laptops. And they were serving drinks called "Novel-tini's" and "Cosmo-novel-tons." It was open bar. Need I say more.
Check out the amazing poster:
Oh, also, I have discovered Google Reader and also Twitter. There are so many blogs and so little time! I'm alphabetashley on Twitter, if you are interested!
November 30th, here I come!